Teacher Talk

Teacher Talk

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Solution-Tree Conference - Phoenix

Last week I went to a conference in Phoenix, AZ with a few chums from work.  I did not want to go at all.  I have been dreading the day I would be forced out of my classroom to embark on a convention about Professional Learning Communities.  For those who don't know what PLCs are, it is basically a way for schools to change their culture from isolated teachers teaching in solitary confinement and moving toward schools acting as one whole for the benefit of the students.

They threw out research and statistics that the way we assess students, give grades, provide interventions, and play all of the games with students that have been evident in the United States since World War I are not working.  Instead of giving a letter grade based on a 100-point system, they move us towards  more standards based grading.  That means that we take the core curriculum and teach until each kid gets each point, or standard.  There is no failure admitted, just proficiency.

Well, I was really overwhelmed and had a stress headache all week wondering how I was going to change what I have done for my whole life as a student and my many four (4) years of teaching.  Ok, I'm flexible.  I can work with new ideas that work.  I got into the system hoping to change it anyway.  Fortunately, Solution-Tree and all of their authors have done all the research for us to give us a point from which to start.  So I have been designing some new assessment charts for the students to help me with their individual grading.

First, each student will get a chart/table that lists the curriculum for the quarter.  Then, I figured that I could track it sort of like they do in Boy Scouts.  When they feel they can pass off the requirement, they do.  If they fumble, they try again next week and on and on until they get it.  During that time we can work individually or get them the help they need until they get it.  This just might actually work!

When I get a chance to tweak my charts, I'll post them.  But until then, anyone can go to Solution-Tree online and get tons of information there.  I really do hope that their way for education will catch on.  It really is the best I've seen so far. 


Pam said...

WHOA! Teaching is surely different than when I was a teacher. More power to you to get a handle on all of this new way of doing things.

mormonhermitmom said...

Yeah there was something similar being done back when I was in college that was a little like that. It didn't take off. Why would it? The unions like things the way they are.